Hello, World!

Welcome to my blog! I am Adrian, a PhD student from Valencia, Spain.

It has been a long time since I wanted to start this blog, and I have finally found the time to set it up and write a few posts. I decided to begin working on this blog after reading several times about the benefits of blogging for PhD students. In summary, as a PhD student, blogging does allow you to:

  • Practice and improve your writing skills.
  • Disseminate your work.
  • Talk about what you like from your research.
  • Make your CV look nicer.

Given these, one could say that blogging should be mandatory if you care about your research.

In this blog I intend to write mostly about the practical aspects of my research, which are usually summarized or omitted in our papers. Here, I have the chance to discuss with a larger audience and collect feedback from both the professional and academic communities.

My research focuses on the Erlang programming language. The name of the blog, Trial & Erlang, is a reference to the “Trial & Error” method for solving problems. This is the method I tend to use whenever we start a new Erlang project where I have to employ some library with little or no documentation at all (something too common in the life of an Erlang developer). Thus, I also intend to write some instructive posts, so that other users can profit from my experience.

I hope that you enjoy my writing and the posts here are interesting to you. Do not miss the chance to comment, even if it’s just to say “hi”!

A Gentle Introduction to Core Erlang: Part 2

An introduction to the Core Erlang language. Continue reading

A Gentle Introduction to Core Erlang: Part 1

Published on September 15, 2017